Block your calendar for the next LinkedIn Local Yangon Innovation Lab on 16 August 2019.

What power does a bank account hold?
What freedom and ease does mobile banking bring?
And what of the customers and the community being at the heart of the bank?

In this second installment of AYA Bank LinkedIn Local Innovation Lab talks on DX2.0 Series, we will explore the power of innovations the financial sectors are creating to build a dynamic ecosystem that bring better customer experiences to customers and financial empowerment to Myanmar’s “unbanked and the “underbanked”

DX2.0 Series of innovation talks is a partnership between AYA Bank and the French Chamber of Commerce and Industries Myanmar (CCIFM)

Join us and our experts for an evening of talk and networking, and refreshments.

Costs to AYA Bank Employees: FOC
Costs to Non-AYA Bank Employees: 15,000MMK

We encourage you to pre-register to ensure a slot/seat. You may pay at AYA Bank’s counter at Myanmar Plaza. If you need any assistance in the registration, please send as a message and we’ll get back to you not later than the next working day.